Curated Entertainment





The 2 top challenges facing the fastest growing companies today are:

  • Information / Technology Overload and

  • Cultivating Cultures that synergize and retain TOP talent.

The final frontier is not space,
The final frontier... is the mind.

Heather Rogers specializes in removing blocks to innovation and productivity by helping organizations OPTIMIZE WORKFLOW and CULTIVATE CUTTING EDGE TEAMS while applying truly surprising findings in brain-science.

Productivity Keynote:

"How to Optimize Workflow and Maximize the Mind"

The fully customized talk is not only ‘game changing’; it is also highly entertaining, inspirational and fun as Heather integrates humor, magic and the perfect dose of audience participation to ensure retention and lasting take-home-value.

Heather’s program, “Optimize Workflow, Maximizing the Mind” offers solutions for keeping ‘the right people on the bus’ while fostering their ability to push the limits of what collaborative cultures can do.

'New-paradigm organizations' that are close-to-the-pulse of change are allowing their talent to ‘become the technology themselves’.  

Cultivating highly intuitive players and streamlined procedures is the only way organizations will be able to keep up with the accelerating speed of business today and the surprises of tomorrow.

Training Program: "Mind Mechanics For Optimal Output"

Utilizing the latest research about the mind to generate a culture of innovation, creativity and stronger teams. Participants learn why the right balance of fairness, certainly, status, autonomy, and relatedness are critical for optimal brain function. They learn why attention is such a scarce resource and how to make the most of it.

About Heather

 Heather Rogers has been a professional presenter for over 20 years.

After running away with the Pickle Family Circus when she was young. Her first position as a speaker was teaching presentation skills for inner city youth in a program run through the City of Oakland in 1993.

She has since presented over 4000 programs. Heather joined the National Speaker’s Association in 2004.

As a Speaker and Educator Heather has delivered customized programs for several Fortune 500 companies including Wells Fargo, Comcast, American Express, Cannon, Home Depot and Oracle National Speaker’s Association to name a few. As a professional Magician Heather has performed at venues ranging from the Wonder Dome in Las Vegas to Oracle Open World to Barack Obama’s Inaugural Ball in Washington DC.  


Visit Heather's Speaking page to learn about the exciting breakthroughs you can create in your organization and your life.

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