Curated Entertainment

Corporate Entertainers & Team Builders

www.curatedentertainment.biz_Velia Amarasingham & Heather Rogers, Sophisticated Ladies, Emcee program.jpeg

We are experience-designers who spark imagination, build connection and ignite potential through entertainment, team building and emcee programs.

 "We loved your Newlywed Retro Game Show! In fact, we want a rematch!”

- Scott Cook, Founder of Intuit

Curated Entertainment, Workday Velia Amarasingham Trivia Game Show, www.CuratedEntertainment.bizJPG.JPG

 How do we do this for you?

We get to know who you are, and what you care about the most.
Next, we work with you to select the best entertainment, team building or emcee program.
Or, if you have an idea of your own, we’ll work side-by-side with you to bring it to life.

How is Curated Entertainment different?


  • Truly unique and can be found nowhere else

  • Infused with gamification and world class entertainment

  • Customizable and designed for maximum enjoyment and impact


Step 1: We work with you to custom-design a program that truly speaks to your audience.

Step 2: Our team writes a splashy proposal, that brings your extraordinary vision to life.

Step 3: This is when the magic happens. We build out the program in collaboration with your team.

Step 4: We deliver a world class, unforgettable, interactive program that uplifts, entertains and inspires.

Nothing builds long-term relationships and a sense of community like sharing a laugh